


A) Recipe From the book Muffin & Cupcake by Kak Ita

15 g gelatine
100 g water
125 g liquid glucose
25 g glycerine
1500 g icing sugar
1 tsp essence

Mix gelatine with water, leave for a while

Double boil or microwave until dissolved

Add in liquid glucose, stir

Add in glycerine and essence, stir

Remove and cool

Add in icing sugar little by little and knead to dough

B) From wilton

1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1/2 cup Glucose

2 tablespoons solid vegetable shortening
1 tablespoon glycerin
8 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted

step 1

Combine gelatin and cold water; let stand until thick, about 3 minutes. Place gelatin mixture in top of double boiler and heat and stir until dissolved. Add glucose, mix well. Stir in shortening; just before completely melted remove from heat. Add glycerin, flavoring and color. Cool until lukewarm.

step 2

In large bowl, place 4 cups confectioners' sugar; make a well. Pour the lukewarm gelatin mixture into the well and stir with a wooden spoon, mixing in sugar and adding more, a little at a time, until stickiness disappears. Knead in remaining sugar. Knead until the fondant is smooth, pliable and does not stick to your hands. If fondant is too soft, add more sugar; if too stiff, add water (a drop at a time). Use fondant immediately or store in airtight container in a cool, dry place.

step 3

Use fondant immediately or store in airtight container at room temperature until needed. If storing longer than 1 week, refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before kneading. Do not freeze. When ready to use, knead again until soft.

step 4

This recipe yields enough to cover a 10 x 4 in. high round cake. If fondant becomes dry, either by adding too much sugar or air drying, add small amount of solid vegetable shortening and knead thoroughly.

